So we have started Kellan on Solid Foods!! I am making all his baby food myself, just so I know what is it the food. And its sooo much cheaper! We started with bananas and feed him each food for about 4 days. Now he has eaten banana, zucchini and pear. I just made peach for him today. He has taken to all the food really good... He also is eating rice cereal in the morning after his 1st bottle. He is taking to that too! I am just amazed that he is old enough to be eating solids! We also bough him a started chair, called the bumbo. Its works perfect because it helps supports him to sit up and when he wants to gnaw on some thing, its foam so he loves to suck on it.
One of my best friends is starting a organic baby food company and I want to give her a little recognition! Jayme has a new baby boy, Keaton, who is 2 months older than Kellan. She is such a great mother and has a passion for feeding Keaton healthy baby food! Any one who doesn't have the time to make there own baby food, and like to know whats in there baby food is all natural... Please buy Kama'e Baby! Her number is 209-483-0497! Call her!!