I really enjoy creating and changing my mantle for each season and holiday. But the normal everyday mantel is always ocean themed. I love finding things to add to it. This collection just seems to grow over the years, so I when I revert back to a non-holiday, I can change it up every time put it back up.
Starting from the left is my Octopus Chalk Art that I created a few weeks ago. I created this all with Chalk Couture Transfers and Chalk Paste. Check out the Blog post HERE! Next on the mantle is a starfish that I have had a really long time. I've used it in all of our house in some way.
Moving to the next item is made with all Chalk Couture items. But the best part of this Chalk Paste is that it is a custom color. Can you guess how I made it? The Chalk Paste used was all the left over chalk paste mixed together from the Octopus Chalk Art. So the match perfect!
Then I added in the giant upper case wooden B that I found at Marshalls.
In the middle of the mantle is this Beach sign that I made from Scrap wood and Chalk Couture a transfer and Chalk Paste. This was a great easy DIY project that I made in minutes.... yes minutes! I love projects like these!
On the other side is another Star Fish that I have has forever as well. Can't ever have enough starfish!
This large teal vintage looking whale is one of my favorite items that I own. I purchased it a few years ago. This whale is so heavy and fully made from wood. I first saw this at Marshalls but didn't want to pay the $25 price tag. I thought about this whale all the time. And when I went back to finally get it, it was gone! I was so upset that I missed out. Since Marshalls doesn't carry the same stock, I thought "that's it. I missed my opportunity. They a week to two later, while strolling through the aisles, there is was! My Whale! I put that whale in my cart and she is all mine.
Next to my whale is 2 vintage looking wooden buoys. I've has these for years and years and these are also a favorite of mine! I think I bought these at Home Goods. These are also ready heavy and made completely out of wood.
On the Left side bottom start with my Vintage looking wooded buoys with hooks. I bought these on clearance at Hobby Lobby.
Right under is my rope buoy ball. I don't remember where I got this but I have also have had it for a while. My husband questioned me on this purchase.... I just laughed and told him it's party of the ocean decor.
Next to that is the Vintage looking wooden painted blue anchor. I have had this for a long time and I'm not even sure where I got it.
On the right side of my fireplace, I have this vintage bell. Im not sure if it even has anything to do with the ocean but once I saw it I fell in love. It has a very soft bell sound when swung around. I actually found this at a resort in my home town called Wine & Roses. I actually used to work there in the Spa as a Nail Technician. Wine & Roses has this amazing gift shop in the Spa called The Nest. It has great finds. While at the Spa one day for a massage, I saw this bell. I was there for quite a while, and then on one of my birthdays, my Mom surprised me and got it for me!
Next to the bell is a small sign that I made. This was a fun easy- Sunshine is Favorite Color! Is was a quick 5 minute project - Click HERE to read the blog post! Here's a video on how I made it:
The last item is this octopus wall art. We have had this since the Jackson street house. I bought it at Target 4-5 years ago.
What is your favorite part of my Mantle? Drop me a comment and let me know!
Do you make stuff for your home? Let me know! I would love to hear all about it!
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Until then...