The classic wood grain of our Decorative Cutting Board in a delightful new shape and slightly lighter stain. Spruce up your décor with this tree-mendous chalkable surface. Not food safe.
Saturday, August 7, 2021
New Accessories from the 2021 Autumn/Winter Chalk Couture Catalog // Come Craft with me!
Thursday, August 5, 2021
Trick or Treat Kits are here! // Only for $24.99 //Come chalk with me
Who doesn't love a good Halloween project?!? I know I do! So this is such a great project to do thats pretty easy!
I think this ChalkMade™ kit is simply bootiful. Give us candy. Give us cake. Give us something sweet to make! Treat yourself with a little handmade happiness this Halloween with this spooktacular felt banner and its coordinating accessories.
This kit includes one of each of the following:
- Stitched decorative banner (9½” x 12½”)
- Exclusive B-sized Chalk Transfer® design
- Chalkology® Paste singles in Bright White and Orange Peel
- 2 Color Trays
- Mini Squeegee
- Wooden dowel
- Tassel accent
- Printed instructions
Bright White: “Or”, Bats
Follow these instructions to complete this project:
1. Remove your Transfer from its packaging.
2. Carefully peel off the Transfer Backer Sheet.
3. Center the Transfer on the Stitched Decorative Banner. Smooth the Transfer out to ensure it has properly adhered and that there are no air bubbles or wrinkles.
4. Knead your Chalkology Paste Singles. Cut open the corner of each packet and squeeze the desired amount of paste onto a Color Tray, using a new tray for each color.
5. Smooth a generous amount of Chalkology Paste over the Transfer using the Mini Squeegee (see “Color and Placement Suggestions”), pressing the paste completely through the screen.
6. Once the screen portion of the design is completely covered, squeegee the excess paste off as evenly as possible and scrape it back into the tray. The more excess paste you remove, the better the result will be.
7. Before the paste dries, slowly peel back the Transfer. To prevent any stretching, peel the Transfer back vertically from two parallel corners, instead of diagonally.
8. Immediately clean the Transfer with cool water and a Board Eraser. Do not leave the Transfer in water or let it soak.
9. Dry the Transfer flat with the sticky side up.
10. Insert the wooden dowel at the top of the Stitched Decorative Banner.
11. Attach the tassel accent to the wooden dowel as desired.
12. Thread the ribbon through the holes of the wooden dowel and tie a knot at each end.
13. Once the Transfer has been washed and dried, reapply the Backer Sheet and store it flat.
14. Relish your creation and embrace the beauty of homemade holiday projects!
Tuesday, August 3, 2021
Teacher's Influence // DIY Back to School crafts // Come craft with me!
So I have been using Chalk Couture for a while now. I also had my eye on a Glowforge for quite a while and then finally ordered one a few months ago. I have seen people use a combination of both Chalk Couture and cut outs from a Glowforge. I think that's what pushed me to get a Glowforge, and to use them together, and get a really custom feel to my crafts.
So I finally created something specifically for a Chalk Couture Transfer! I used the Teacher's Influence Transfer (retired) and cut out an Apple shape with my Glowforge. It was actually really easy to do.
Come see how I used this in my Back to School 3 Tiered Tray: Click Here!
Come see how I made this!
Step 1: Design the Apple cut out. I use my Silhouette Business Edition software to do this. And since I have the upgraded software, I can save them into SVG's, which is needed for the Glowforge to be able to cut the design.
Step 2: Place the Chalk Couture Transfer inside the Glowforge. It will scan the transfer so you will know what size you will be the cut out to be.
Step 3: Upload the design into the Glowforge App and size it according to the size of the transfer. Once you find the perfect size, take the transfer out and replace with preferred material. I used MDF, which is a smooth wood material. It's easy to paint and is so smooth.
Step 4: Hit the print button and watch the magic happen! I love watching it work!
Step 5: Once cooled, take out Apple Cut out out. Get all your paint supplies ready.
Step 6: I love to lay my projects on a masking material so it doesn't move around while painting. I use the masking on wood products that need a little protection while using the laser.Step 7: I used black paint and applied it with a sponge. I'm telling you that this is a game changer! It goes on like butter! So easy to do and clean up is pretty easy. You can either wash sponge and let air dry or you can wait for the section on paint to dry on it and then cut it off. I have used makeup wedge sponge so many times by cutting them up!
Step 8: Once the paint is dry, it's time to chalk! Grab you Chalk Pastes and give them a good stir. Add in some distilled water if needed but then new Chalk Pastes are amazing! Grab your transfer and a Fuzzing Cloth and fuzz well. I mean REALLY FUZZ! Use the back courser side of needed. You don't want to pull any paint off the Apple cut out.
Step 9: Lay your fuzzed transfer down and start applying you Chalk Paste to the transfer. I used 2 different Chalk Pastes colors.
Step 10: Once you are done applying Chalk Paste, lift transfer up and wash it well. Let air dry and once dry, replace backer sheet.
You are all done! Now it's time to show off your new DIY Teacher's Influence Apple you made!
It may seem like a lot of steps, but I promise it is really easy!
Are you excited for your kids to go back to school?
I know I am!
Sunday, August 1, 2021
Back to School 3 Tiered Tray // Come Craft with me!
Finally all 3 kids start school on Monday and I knew I had to celebrate by decorating my 3 tiered tray with a Back to School theme! I had so much fun creating personalized items for the kids. I'm not sure if you can tell I'm really excited for the kids to go back to school!
I created most if these items from either Chalk Couture products or cutting items with my Glowforge. I had so much fun creating everything from designing, cutting out the pieces, chalking it to putting it all together on the 3 tiered tray. Plus I had to add in the perfect Rae Dunn mugs!
Want more info on the Glowforge? Click Here!
Come see how I styled my Back to School 3 Tiered Tray!
Top Tier
Starting from the left, I took a small tag and Chalked a Lightbulb using 1 of the 12 mini transfers from the Back to School Transfer. I used the Bumblebee Chalk Paste.
Next, I cut out an Apple shape on my Glowforge and then painted it with black chalkboard paint. Then I used a Chalk Couture Transfer called "A Teacher's Influence". I used Bright White & Peony Chalk Paste as the colors. Want to see how I made it? Click Here!
Next to that I used some Elmers Glue bottle, glue stick and some pencils as decorations.
Middle Tier
From the left, I Started with a Dream Rea Dunn Mug that is filled with pens and pencils.
In front of that is an apple I cut on my Glowforge. I painted it with red paint and used a while paint marker to accent it.
In the middle is a Back to School Sign I made using my Glowforge. This is a 2 piece sign. I painted the back section while. I painted the top section red. I then glued it together.
Behind that on the right is a Rise & Shine Rae Dunn Mug. Inside the mug is some pens, pencils and a Custom Ruler with Kellan's name on it. I added his name with my Glowforge.
Hanging off of the ruler is a small tag that I chalked a school bus onto. I used the Back to School Transfer. I added a small blue ribbon to the top.
I used pencils to decorate.
Bottom Tier
Starting from the left is a Practice Makes Perfect Rae Dunn Mug. Inside the mug is Pens, Pencils and a personalized ruler with Arley's name on it.
Hanging from the ruler is a Small tag with a Apple I cut out with my Glowforge. I painted the apple red before glueing onto the tag.
In the middle is a pencil leaner sign I made using my Glowforge. See how I made it her on my Tik Tok page: HERE.
On the right side is a yellow Shine Bright Rae Dunn mug. Inside is some highlighters and a Small Tag that I chalked A+ again using the Back to School Transfer. I used Couture Teal Chalk Paste.
I then made 3 custom erasers with each of the kids names. I used my Glowforge to Score the names into the erasers. I then used my Glowforge to cut of the grades each of them will be in this year.
Between the Tiers
Hanging between the Tiers is a Back to School banner that I made. I used my Glowforge to cut out all the letters and them painted and glued them on.
Are you excited for your kids to go back to school?
I know I am!