Friday, April 22, 2011

A new blog to follow!

So a friend of mine named Marisa Blakley started a blog and I am sooo happy I follow her! When I walk into her house, I just fall in love with her home! She has the best style and I swear she needs to be a interior designer! If you ever need great ideas, follow her!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

We are moving!

We are moving within the next few weeks and I am soooo excited!! We are moving back into Lodi finally! Living in the country has been great, but I am so over it! Im tired of propane and driving soo far just to get to Target. We will be on Daisy Ave. Its only 1.5 miles to downtown Lodi and 1.3 miles from my mom's house. Now I can walk to the gym and take Kellan for walks, take bike rides and go to the park just around the corner from our house. We are painting the house right no, and once that it done, we are moving in. Yay! Pictures to come!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Life has been crazy!

Lately, I feel like I have been going non stop! Between Kellan, School, working (2 jobs at times), homework, Rob and planning a wedding, I feel like I am never going to rest! And to think I want 4 or 5 kids!! Life will only get crazier! Even though this is my 1st semester, I can't wait to be done with school!! I will do anything I can to finish as fast as I can. So if I don't call back, text back or you think I might have fallen off the planet, just remember I have a lot on my plate! I love you all and one day, I promise to call or text you back! And if your lucky, I might (just maybe) have a little time to have lunch with you! I miss everyone and can't wait for a little break!

Friday, March 18, 2011

I know... Its been a while!

So much has gone on since my last post. Rob and I are now engaged! He took me away for a weekend to Bodega Bay and he proposed right before dinner by the water!! Of course I said YES! The ring is beautiful and its the exact style that I wanted!!! We have set the date for October 8, 2011. We have a lot of planning to do, but we are really excited.

Kellan has turned 1 and has such a bash for his 1st birthday party!!  Look how cute his Invitation were

Sooo Many people showed up! It was so nice to have everyone there to join us in celebrate Kellan's 1st birthday.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Im sooo happy this day is finally over! It's been a long day and I can't wait to get some sleep tonight! I started school today at Delta College in Stockton... I really can't believe that I reallt a college student!! It took long enough!! Between an early appointment this morning at 8:45 (uhhh), and grocery shopping, then off to school and once I was done at 2:30, I had to rush home, get ready for work, drop Kellan off with my Mom and head to good old UPS to put in my 5 1/2 hours! Im just glad not everyday is going to be like this!! So forgive me in advance if it takes me a little long to respond to texts message or calls! And on top of everything... I'm planning Kellan's 1st Birthday Party! So everyone save March 12th!!! Invatations to come soon!! 

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Our first family Christmas

 So out first Christmas has come and gone and I will say it was pretty sucessful!! I had to work Christmas Eve night untill 7pm so I went straight over to my mom's house. Rob had spent all day at my mom's house, so he went over to his Uncle Barry's house. Kellan was having such a great time with all the kids. It's so nice having kids around during the holiday's. The Santa vistited our house before we all woke up on Christmas morning. Kellan go a play center from Santa and in his stocking from Santa he got socks & snacks! Santa must know ehat he really likes! After opening gifts, we headed to Truckee to spend Christmas Day at Auntie Katie & Uncle Jack's house. Kellan was having a great time! Kellan got some wonderful gifts! I can't wait until next Christmas!

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