Showing posts with label August. Show all posts
Showing posts with label August. Show all posts

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Back to School 3 Tiered Tray // Come Craft with me!

Finally all 3 kids start school on Monday and I knew I had to celebrate by decorating my 3 tiered tray with a Back to School theme! I had so much fun creating personalized items for the kids. I'm not sure if you can tell I'm really excited for the kids to go back to school! 

I created most if these items from either Chalk Couture products or cutting items with my Glowforge. I had so much fun creating everything from designing, cutting out the pieces, chalking it to putting it all together on the 3 tiered tray. Plus I had to add in the perfect Rae Dunn mugs! 

Want more info on the Glowforge? Click Here!

Come see how I styled my Back to School 3 Tiered Tray! 

Top Tier

Starting from the left, I took a small tag and Chalked a Lightbulb using 1 of the 12 mini transfers from the Back to School Transfer. I used the Bumblebee Chalk Paste

Next, I cut out an Apple shape on my Glowforge and then painted it with black chalkboard paint. Then I used a Chalk Couture Transfer called "A Teacher's Influence". I used Bright White & Peony Chalk Paste as the colors. Want to see how I made it? Click Here! 

Next to that I used some Elmers Glue bottle, glue stick and some pencils as decorations. 

Middle Tier 

From the left, I Started with a Dream Rea Dunn Mug that is filled with pens and pencils. 

In front of that is an apple I cut on my Glowforge. I painted it with red paint and used a while paint marker to accent it. 

In the middle is a Back to School Sign I made using my Glowforge. This is a 2 piece sign. I painted the back section while. I painted the top section red. I then glued it together. 

Behind that on the right is a Rise & Shine Rae Dunn Mug. Inside the mug is some pens, pencils and a Custom Ruler with Kellan's name on it. I added his name with my Glowforge. 

Hanging off of the ruler is a small tag that I chalked a school bus onto. I used the Back to School Transfer. I added a small blue ribbon to the top. 

I used pencils to decorate.

Bottom Tier

Starting from the left is a Practice Makes Perfect Rae Dunn Mug. Inside the mug is Pens, Pencils and a personalized ruler with Arley's name on it. 

Hanging from the ruler is a Small tag with a Apple I cut out with my Glowforge. I painted the apple red before glueing onto the tag. 

In the middle is a pencil leaner sign I made using my Glowforge.  See how I made it her on my Tik Tok page: HERE

On the right side is a yellow Shine Bright Rae Dunn mug. Inside is some highlighters and a Small Tag that I chalked A+ again using the Back to School Transfer. I used Couture Teal Chalk Paste.

I then made 3 custom erasers with each of the kids names. I used my Glowforge to Score the names into the erasers. I then used my Glowforge to cut of the grades each of them will be in this year. 

Between the Tiers

Hanging between the Tiers is a Back to School banner that I made. I used my Glowforge to cut out all the letters and them painted and glued them on. 

Are you excited for your kids to go back to school? 

I know I am! 

Do you make stuff for your home? Let me know! I would love to hear all about it! 

What Is Chalk Couture?:
See how to create with Chalk Couture:

What Is In The Kit:

EXCLUSIVE DISCOUNT: 25% OFF, Happy Mail, Exclusive Lives, Art Giveaways, and other benefits

Like these but not sure what Chalk Couture is- Click here to read all about it! 

Wanna shop for some Chalk Couture stuff? Click here to check out all the amazing items! 

And as always, help a sister out by sharing this post, like it and leave me a comment! 

Until then...

August Club Couture - Kitchen Rules // Come chalk with me!

Kitchen décor is always a favorite! The August 2021 Club Couture™ Transfer takes subway art to a fun, farm-inspired level with a mix of fonts and phrases sure to delight. Show off your household rules all together in one color or change up colors on individual lines. Use it all together or select your favorite line(s) for a separate project.

This Transfer is an evergreen, all-year-round gift that keeps on giving! It looks great in the warm and fresh, country color palette we’ve chosen: Black Velvet, Sage, and Shimmer Copper, but it can also really cook in other colors of your choosing.

Supplies Included:

-Club Couture Transfer: Kitchen Rules
-Chalkology® Paste Singles: Black Velvet, Sage, Shimmer Copper

Supplies Needed:

-Surface: Double-Sided Box Frame (9" × 12")
-ToolsMini SqueegeesTransfer TrimmersColor TraysFuzzing ClothMulti-Tool

Color and Placement Suggestions

-Shimmer Copper: Swirls, rooster, spatula 
-Sage: “say please”, “enjoy family time” 
-Black Velvet: Other remaining sentiments

Follow these instructions to complete this project:

1. Remove your Transfer from its packaging and carefully peel off the Transfer Backer Sheet.

2. “Fuzz” the Transfer by gently pressing onto a Fuzzing Cloth and carefully pulling it upward. This will make the Transfer easier to remove from the surface after you’ve applied the paste.

3. Center the Transfer on the surface, and smooth it out to ensure it has properly adhered and that there are no air bubbles or wrinkles.

4. Knead your Chalkology Paste Singles. Cut open the corner of each packet and squeeze the desired amount of paste onto a Color Tray, using a new tray for each color.

5. Smooth a generous amount of Chalkology Paste over the Transfer using a squeegee or Multi-Tool (see “Color and Placement Suggestions”). As you are working through each detail and color, squeegee the excess paste off as evenly as possible and scrape it back into the tray. The more excess paste you remove, the better the result will be.

6. For best results, use the chalk-and-pull method: Once you have finished chalking the top section of the design, peel back the Transfer just past the chalked portion and let the paste dry. This will allow you to work in smaller sections without having the paste dry in the screen, making the Transfer difficult to remove. To prevent any stretching in the Transfer, peel from the center or from both corners, instead of peeling diagonally.

7. Once that section is dry, lay the Transfer back down and smooth out the unchalked section of the Transfer. Ensure that the next section is fully adhered, and repeat these steps for the remainder of the Transfer.

8. Slowly peel back the Transfer. Immediately clean the Transfer with cool water and a Board Eraser. Do not leave the Transfer in water or let it soak.

9. Dry the Transfer flat with the sticky side up.

10. Once the Transfer has been washed and dried, reapply the Transfer Backer Sheet and store it flat.

11. Relish your creation and embrace the beauty of homemade projects!

Want to see a quick Video on how it is done? 

Watch this:

Not a Club Member yet?

Love your Club Couture membership, but want more to use them on? Get a Best Basics Chalk It Up Kit

Our basic instructions go like this: choose a surface and Transfer, add some paste or ink, and start creating. With the Best Basics Chalk It Up Kit, you’ll have what you need to carry out those instructions and you’ll be well on your way to artistry!

This kit includes two of our favorite surfaces: Board & Base (perfect for A-sized Transfers) and a Sylvie White Frame (perfect for B-sized Transfers). Both surfaces are reusable with Chalkology Paste, and can be used in either landscape or portrait orientation. Plus, that Board & Base is reversible so you can have two projects to display all at once!

What are your Kitchen Rules? 

 Do you make stuff for your home? Let me know! I would love to hear all about it! 

What Is Chalk Couture?:
See how to create with Chalk Couture:

What Is In The Kit:

EXCLUSIVE DISCOUNT: 25% OFF, Happy Mail, Exclusive Lives, Art Giveaways, and other benefits

Like these but not sure what Chalk Couture is- Click here to read all about it! 

Wanna shop for some Chalk Couture stuff? Click here to check out all the amazing items! 

And as always, help a sister out by sharing this post, like it and leave me a comment! 

Until then...

Sunday, August 30, 2020

My meal plan for the week - 8/31/20 - Plus a Free Printable Meal Planner!

So I haven't started to plan out my meal for the week to try and save us some money and the stress of what I am going to make each night. I have always done my grocery shopping at Safeway and Costco but since the pandemic started, I have started to look at other options. With 3 kids, its been hard to grocery shop. I haven't taken them out to the store so I have been doing a lot of grocery orders, pick ups and deliveries. 

Since starting this, I have saved the stress and a ton of money! I now so most of my grocery pick ups from Walmart. Im pretty good with knowing good prices for groceries and I am amazed at the savings that I have found at Walmart. Plus, Im not walking around and browsing the store, putting items in the cart that we don't need. 

I try to only grocery shop once a week, and when ever I went to Safeway my weekly total was at least $250! Thats a lot of money. Plus if we needed to make a Costco trip, that was even more. I swear you can't get out of there for less than $100. I knew that I needed to change our spending habits. I have been pretty good with our meal planning and prepping, so I wanted to share it with you! 

First steps for me is to figure out what meals we want. I grab a cup of coffee and start planning! Since I'm on Keto and the rest of my family is not, I have to make sure they get carbs. Pasta and rice are an easy carb to add to any meal, so they have a lot of that. 

This week we are having for dinner:

Monday: Garlic Parmesan Chicken with Pasta & Zucchini

Tuesday: Beef Enchilada Casserole with Mexican Rice & Corn

Wednesday: Beef Stew with French Bread

Thursday: Left Overs

Friday: Kids Pick

Saturday: Meatballs with Carrots and Rice

Sunday: Hamburgers with Fries and Corn on the Cob

After making my list, now it's time to see what I need at the store. Some things I stock up on, so I don't always need to buy everything we need. Keeping a good stock of non perishables is so important just incase something happens. I like to be prepared always! 

Here is my grocery list: 

I do a grocery pick up either Saturday or Sunday, whatever is available. The best part about this is that I don't have to get out of the car! I drive up and they bring it out to my car. They confirm with me and then open up the back of my suburban and load it all in there. That's it! 

Once I get home, I just make sure I have everything. I think only once, I was missing something. On the Walmart app, I start a return and they refund me right away. Also, If you don't like the quality of the item, they refund you as well. And if they have to substitute an item, you get charged the amount of the item you pick, unless its cheaper. I do notice that normally if I get a substituted item, the item that they used a better item. That works for me. 

Here is what I ordered this week. 


Want to know how much I paid for all these groceries?!?

$131. 95! 

That's it! I don't remember that last time I got this many groceries for that much! Now I some weeks, I grab a tri-tip from Costco or Safeway since my husband can be picky, but I stick to my list of what I need! 

Ive been doing this for about 5 weeks, and if I'm saving between $100-$150, that's a ton of money saved! Plus all these meal are large so I have a lunch to take to work the next day. That is saving me money too. Plus being on Keto, my food choices at work are very limited so during the week, I'm not spending that much money.  Woo hoo! I love saving money! Give me more for craft stuff! Haha... 

To keep me on track, I made a cute printable that I can print up blank or type in. It's great to put on the fridge to remind me of what the dinner plans are. 

Want a free copy to use on your own?!? Grab it here! 

Is this something you would make while on Keto? Do you like to meal plan? If not and you want to start, hopefully this helps! Watch out every Sunday for the upcoming weeks meals! Let me know what works for you and what doesn't.  
Let me know! 

Find recipes like this and more on my Pinterest board: Keto

Please let me know if you make and how everyone likes it!

Watch out for more Keto recipes from me! 

Don't forget to help a sister out - Like, Share and Comment! 

Sign up for emails to be notified for Keto recipes and much, much more! 

Until next time!

Sara ;)

FYI- I don't know the nutrition facts. I am not a certified nutritionist. Please consult a professional nutritionist or doctor for accurate information and any dietary restrictions and concerns you may have.

Monday, August 24, 2020

Summer 3 Tiered Tray- My last summer time project

Last week, I posted that I had one more project to complete for my Summer time projects. I have had this project on the back burner for a long time. Every time I looked at my 3 tiered tray in my kitchen, I knew that I needed to complete it. I knew it would take some time to complete, and with 3 kids, i just didn't have the time. Until one day I just sat down and did it. What my 3 tiered tray was missing was a beach colors wooded bead garland.  I had been buying different paints in blue shades, I had already bought the wood beads and the twine. 

I was so excited to finally complete this project. I was actually a lot easier and faster to make than I thought. I probably only took about an hour to make and maybe 20 minutes to string and make the tassels. Not bad for a customer bead garland that matches my beach and ocean decor. My house normally has a beach feel most of the time.  If you know me, I love the ocean. My favorite color is ocean. I would move to the beach in a heartbeat! 

So here is my Summer 3 tiered tray- just in time for the end of Summer! 

Did you have any Summer projects? OR maybe you are waiting until Summer is just about over. Let me know! I would love to hear all about it! 

What Is Chalk Couture?:
See how to create with Chalk Couture:

What Is In The Kit:

EXCLUSIVE DISCOUNT: 25% OFF, Happy Mail, Exclusive Lives, Art Giveaways, and other benefits

And as always, help a sister out by sharing this post, like it and leave me a comment! 

Until then...

Sara ;) 

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